Reclaimed Heart
The heart shape is all around us – but where did it come from? In the ancient Indus Civilisation, the leaf of the peepal or sacred fig tree, which has a very similar shape, was probably the inspiration for its first appearance in decorative arts.
Western medieval paintings actually used the shape with the point facing upwards. It began to appear facing down in the 14th Century and by the 16th was being used this way in Europe to depict romantic love.
And although Ana's always wanted to use the shape in her jewellery, she's been put off because it's a bit "cursi" (that translates to corny or cheesy in English).
So Reclaimed Heart is Ana's quest to rescue this beautiful shape from the world of fluffy neon pink cushions and sentimental greeting cards!
Using the heart shape in both directions, we hope you agree that these pieces reinstate its dignity and present it with the grace and poise it deserves, while still conveying its symbolic meaning... and without losing its playfulness!

Harmony Sculptural Heart Ring - Solid Gold